9 years on...


Hey everyone. I hope you're all doing well.

As this Sunday marks the 9th anniversary of when I had my first symptoms of Dystonia, I would like to talk about how much of a personal struggle it has been since being diagnosed and what such a life changing rollercoaster it has been.Literally with so many ups and downs, this has truly been a life changing experience.  

Looking back back I think and actually this still sticks with me now, the hardest knock was having to admit defeat and give up my career as a plumbing engineer, something I had spent many years working hard for and I was on an excellent wage and really settled in my work , which was going from strength to strength. Very rarely was I reliant on anyone or anything, I was financially  sound and totally dependant on me. It was great. 

I was playing semi professional rugby and my social life was great, one reason being I had no money issues, I was able to go out drinking and on holidays with my friends at the drop of a hat. Things were certainly more straight forward.  No issues ! No stress ! Plenty of money ! Life was good, really good and then BOOM, it all changed. Definitely something that has taken me years, to accept. 

I often hold back and miss out in social time with friends, stag parties, special birthdays you name it. This is something I truly miss, I miss the banter and good crack. My friends are great though, they seem to understand and many of them have supported me to ensure I don't miss out, which really doesn't go unnoticed. The holidays I go on are funded by my wife. Without her, I would of not been able to go on holiday, she is my true saviour and allows me the freedom to keep living and experiencing life, without having to miss out completely. I love to travel and experience different cultures, I think travel is one of life's greatest gifts, it offers us freedom and I am truly lucky that my wife also has the same passion. Without it I'd feel pretty trapped, it's my escape. 

With all that said I am proud to say I got through it and I am going from strength to strength both personally and professionally. It's been a difficult and time consuming road. Strating from scratch and delving into a completely new line of work has been tough but it's also been an exciting challenge and I am really excited for the future. 

I may not be mr money bags right now but let me tell you money certainly doesn't buy you happiness, yes it definitely helps 😉 but actually what makes me happy is far from financially driven. 

I know that each day I fight the biggest fight to achieve my goals and I am and will continue to smash the shit out if them. Life is truly what you make it and I plan to make mine truly amazing so watch this space. 

Let me tell you something though, that all of my followers and supporters are truly the ones that build me up each day, so thank you for that. I need you all and I am truly grateful for the strength you give me. 

With that said I want to wish you all a great holiday weekend. Be merry, have fun and be grateful for all that is good in your life. 

I hope you've enjoyed my blog.

Please feel free to leave your comments or any questions you may have. 

James Sutliff